Unlocking the Last Piece of Unmonetized Real Estate on the Internet

SPAT Media converts images into revenue, engagement and data capture tools for publishers, creators and IP holders. Now, a previously static image becomes a path to purchase a product, circulate content or generate other calls-to-action.  The publisher and IP holder receive full access to user data captured within the image.  And SPAT aggregates affiliate revenue, distributing payments directly to the various stakeholders.

Transforming Digital Imagery

Analysts expect the affiliate marketing industry to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.86% between 2023 and 2032, reaching a value of nearly $40 billion by the end of the forecast period.
— Shopify, July 2024

 Contact us.

Whether you're interested in running a pilot test, exploring an affiliate marketing campaign or rethinking your content marketing strategy, we would welcome a conversation.

Email us at mario@spat.media to start a dialogue.